Sunday 10 November 2013


On Sunday, November 3, my husband, the Rev'd Andreas Thiel, was formally inducted into the ministry of St.Matthew's Anglican Church in Windsor. The service began at 4 PM and was followed by a dinner in the parish hall. We were thrilled to see some of our former parishioners from St.James,Clandeboye, and St.Paul's in Stratford.The Venerable Kim Van Allen inducted Andreas on behalf of Robert Bennett, Bishop of Huron, and the Venerable Tanya Phibbs delivered the homily. It was a very moving and exciting time and it took us a few days to come back to earth.

                                                   The head table

Although Andreas has been Rector of St.Matthew's since September 15, this service made it complete. The homily was on the subject of community and the church being a family. Archdeacon Phibbs illustrated this concept by telling two wonderful stories.She was Andreas's mentor at St.Paul's Anglican Church in Stratford while he was a student, and she remains a very important part of our lives.
